February 06, 2013



Here you have the proposal of this week. This time he have moved to America ,we hope you like the cold!

Bienvenues Mesdames et Messieurs!

Would you like to have a drink or meal?

 The Hôtel Glace is one of the ice made hotel in the world, maybe one of the most beautiful. It is located only 10 minutes from the center of the Québec's capital.

Opened since 2001, it has seduced over half a million people because it is a real ice made work of art. we must say that it win the Certificate of Excellence from Tripadvisor in 2012. The indoor temperature is always at minus 5 degrees celsious.

If you are planning an original holidays this year you should have into account that it is opened from January 5th until March 23th.

Inside, you will enjoy of its 300m squared of crystalline ice sculptures and of course of the entire building. there is a free parking, disco lounge, bar, spa, WIFI and you can also hire a private event's lounge.

There are different 36 thematic (each one is unique) rooms and depending of your budget, you can book a room for 2 from $280 per night, the types of rooms are:
  • Hôtel de Glace rooms (the simplest)
  • Theme suites
  • Premium theme suites with fireplace
  • Premium deluxe theme suites with fireplace and private spa
We show you only two rooms, remember that each one is unique! 

Would you like to offer a singular wedding to your boyfriend / girlfriend? Here you have your chapel (wedding package from $2349). 


Have a short view of this amazing hotel at this video:



Anonymous said...

Too cold for me, I wouldn't try this one xD

Anonymous said...

You should try! It is only minus 5! XD It seems a fantastic experience

Jonatan said...

I want to go! I love this hotel and would be a good experience, ice bars are cool and the hotel would be fine I guess.

Noresita ♥ said...

I always wanted to visit this hotel. It's the kind of place I would like to visit at least one time in my life. Gorgeous.

Would to go to this hotel?

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